First and foremost I would like to say THANK YOU for stopping by. Please excuse our dust, We have so much that we are doing to get things up and running for you ladies. I just wanted to tell you a bit about our brand. Well, its pretty simple. We are women of color that support women of color around the world. Let me back up a bit. As a black woman myself, I still find that we as women of various hues are still go under represented especially in both the high-end beauty and lifestyle industries. My goal is to bring that luxury to women of color around the world, making it accessible, while too setting a new lifestyle/beauty standard that we all can aspire to. We want to create a space for "rest" and  support other women like us on their self care journeys. It’s important. While doing so, we also want to be the example for other young women of color. With women today, building business, and having families etc... we tend to put ourselves to the side, and due to life getting in the way, we tend to put off the self care we both need and deserve. I believe all women of color deserve to be represented and SEEN, even more so, our young princesses of today. I personally want to normalize little black girls seeing black women caring for themselves and mirroring self love and care. HUESKINB is for us all and I hope each one of you find and connect with our brand in your own unique way.

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